She's Here!
As a kid I loved Colorforms. They where these plastic clingy pieces that you could stick onto laminated chipboard. When my parents...

My Interview with Tina
I had the most awesome interview with the beautiful Tina of http://noirecare.com. It was about my personal views on self care. Fact is we...

Sometimes I look outside of my self for change. Somebody fix this hot mess! Then I remember my mentors reminding me that I need to be the...

The Drums Are A Callin'
Sometimes my nerves get ta itchin" and I begin to feel somekinda way, I listen for the drums. The drums call for my feet to dance and my...

More Things
I really try to keep a positive out look on life. It's not always easy, but I really try my very best to do so. The world is such a...

Playing With Color
Color is a very powerful thing! It can create a mood and make you feel somekindaway! I love playing with different colors against brown...

Kahlif went running and jumping into Springtime despite the forecast for more snow. Keep hope alive!

Welcome! Come in and have a seat.
Welcome everyone to my new blog!! I am so excited that you stopped by. Here you will find my artwork, illustrations, dolls and...

Her name was Lil' Red and yes she lived in da' hood with her mama who worked 3 jobs to keep her away from those wolves looking to bring a...