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Working On Nesting Dolls

Hello Everyone!

I know that I have been missing in action. So much to share with you all. I was in Paris, France for a 2 weeks and it was MARVELOUS!! Best trip ever!! I am already planning a second trip ASAP. It was so awesome.

There is so much going on here in my office. I am working on 2 books. My own book called, Nesting Dolls and another for another author. I am also getting ready to teach again. I will be doing a Summer Camp for Creativity School Camp with my brother and friend Arree Chung. If your child is interested in art and making collage or learning animation you wanna visit Creativity School online here

Your children will learn so much about art here. Check it out! You will not be disappointed.

The top illustration is a piece from my new book,"Nesting Dolls" with Peguin and Random House and Knopf Books. I am so very excited as I get to share a little bit about my Gullah Geechee background in this book. When a little girl realizes that she is the darkest one in her family she begins to feel some kinda way. In her eyes, everyone else is more beautiful and smart. The family goes to visit Grandma and Grandaddy. Grandma loves on both the girl and her big sister. When little sissy tries to help out she just makes a mess and they shew her outta the kitchen into Grandma's art studio where she sees the nesting dolls that she is painting. She sees the smallest one is painted a rich deep brown color and she realizes that this is meant to be her and she doesn't like it so, she picks up a brush and begins to paint it a lighter shade of brown. When Grandma comes in to find her doing so she begins to cry. Grandma begins to share with her about the beauty of WHO SHE IS and celebrates the gorgeous brown that she is. Sharing with her that there are great people who came before that look just like her. They did great things just like she will. That she is valuable and precious. She is told that she is smart just like mommy, funny just like her sister, brilliant like grandma and creative and strong like Great Grandma. All of these things are inside of her and she inside of them.

I am so happy to share this book with you all. Maybe it's not your skin, but something else. Maybe you have a missing arm or eye?

Maybe you are dyslexic or maybe you stutter? There is still greatness in each of us. Due out next year sometime. I will keep you all posted!



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