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What Cha Working With?

Hello Good Peoples,

Hope that all of you are doing well and that you all are safe and doing the best you can. I am doing the same. Learning that I, We, You can make it on broken bits and pieces. UGH!! I know it's not easy. We need to be gentle with ourselves. Make sure that you are being kind to yourself and others.

So many times I get asked the question, "Vanessa, what art supplies do you use when you are creating your work?" I get asked all the time. I work with EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING. I could do a whole vlog and blog on art supplies honestly. I love to try everything that comes in front of me. I love seeing what other illustrators and artist work with as well.

I work with some expensive supplies and very cheap ones. I love working with pencils, pens, inks, collage, watercolors, gouache, acrylics, paper, cardboards, fabric, clay, rubber-stamps, glass and wood. I just adore when people tell me that certain things won't work together cause Vanessa is going to try it anyway. The result vary and that is fine with me. I figure test it out and see.

Here is a little list of some of the supplies I use.

These are just a few things that I am working with at the moment. Working on a book now called," Nesting Dolls" It will be coming out next year and I am working on the artwork right now. It's gonna be collage of course with pencils, pens, inks, gouache and acrylics.

Next time I will share papers with you and maybe even a little of how I do it. We will see. Well, that is it for now. Keep your pencils to the paper and draw the line of where you want to go.

I will be doing the same!




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