We create too

Hello good people, I know it’s been a while, but I’m getting better lol! I wanted to share in these last couple of days of Black History Month something very important. I remember as a child sharing with my parents that I want to be an artist. My mom and dad Lovingly looked at me with Wonder and amazement and a little bit of, is this child crazy?! How can a child be with? It’s never seen before? They were horrified, confused and I think just a little bit disappointed. My mom and dad were accomplished musicians and singers. They knew that I could sing. They knew that I could play an instrument, but this whole art thing was another expression that they knew nothing of. You see my mom and dad believe that only white people could be artist That is just the truth.
They were not raised in families that went to art galleries or knew other artist or painters. About the only thing they really ever saw as far as art was concerned, was maybe a beautiful quilt, handmade, a beautiful pie baked, or even a wonderful house built. They just never saw black Artist! In my TED talk, I share about how I drew on the side of the kitchen stove with my Crayola crayons. The stove got hot as I drew my little drawings. They melted down on the floor into a puddle and I jumped back and I said I’m an artist and my mom and dad said no you’re not. You’re a janitor you gonna clean this up!
I often wondered whether they would get the message. Children often tell us who they want to be at a very early age, and we somehow find a way to uproot that thing. I mean, when you’re a little girl is taking apart an appliance, or your little boy Wants to know how a certain thing works. That is their way of telling you that they are interested in that thing. They may grow out of it, but if a child continues to do it, they are really telling you that this is what I was brought here to do. Explore, learn and grow.
Even my grandparents and the rest of my family, would often make fun of me as I drew pictures. Sometimes they even were enamored by what came out at the end of my pencils or crayons. They didn’t know how to encourage me. I was considered strange and very different.
They all wanted me to sing. I sang, but it wasn’t the thing that really brought me a whole lot joy at the time.
And I will even confess that I thought the same for a very long time. I didn’t know that there we’re artist that look like me until I got older. I was the only black student in my class at FIT(the fashion Institute of technology). Many years passed and I worked as a phlebotomist for over 30 years. Occasionally doing cards for pieces of art for family members and friends. As I begin to get an idea of who I was and what I loved, I begin to seek out other artist and happily found artist that brought me joy and just so happen to look like me!! Artist like Leroy Campbell, Varnetta P Honeywood and Faith Ringold and yes,Grandma Moses the famous folk artist. They inspired me and delighted me and that gave me life. They didn’t paint landscpaces or naked men or women on sumptuous couches draped in silk. Rather pictures that depicted the black experience. The images of Black people courting each other or a young girl getting her hair straightened in the kitchen. Or even tar babies on top of roofs. I instantly connected with it and learned that we too make art! We two are creators. And that they are not just Black people who love our art there are people from other cultures ethnicities that love our art as well. Now you can see our work not just a museums and galleries but also on clothing And sides of buildings. How awesome is that? I want you to encourage your children that they can be Artist!! as well. You don’t have to spend a whole lot to do so. Start by going to the dollar store and pick up a pad of paper and some painting supplies for them. If you’re able to go to the library, ask the librarian for books that display African-American art. Take them to museums to see African-American artist on display and watch what happens. Art is not just for white people or Spanish or Asian art is also for Africans and African-Americans. We all should be celebrated. How will you celebrate? I really wanna know. Be blessed.