Truth Moment These are moments after mediation and prayer to help me or anyone move forward in daily living...
You know, so many of us have been taught to, Love our enemies. Do good to those who despitefully use and abuse you. There are some truths that I have come to know and understand need more enlightenment.
I am no longer turning my cheek to my enemy because the Almighty never expected this of His Bantu (Peoples) children. Turning my cheek was suppose to be for my brother or sister, Family not for the enemy. When people show you who they really are... Welp, BELIEVE THEM!!! We have to love ourselves enough to let what doesn't feel good, supportive, loving, kind, joyful, nourishing, and uplifting GO. Sometimes it is family and that hurts the most. Sometimes it is friendships,a lover, jobs, negativity and negative speaking or thoughts. They are only serving doubt, pain, and misery.
I decided a while back, If I have a hater on my mind or in my head, It must be because they are paying rent to live there. Last I checked ain't nobody paying rent to live up in here LOL!
I am a lover of peace, joy, creativity, laughter and most of all, LOVE. This is at the core of me. I will only meet my neighbor with love and when they show me something different that is on them, WE BE LOVED over here will only show that, but trust, I got my eye on you.
It is not enough to love everyone else and hate yourself. You actually can't love others in a healthy way if you don't love yourself. Some call it selfish and self indulgent, but as they say on the plane," First put the mask on yourself then you can aid the others in doing so. Our love will be more effectively felt when we first love ourselves, because you are valuable and very precious. It's not enough to believe it.. You gotta know it! Small steps, but learn to know it for yourself.
We be Loved over Yun and I want to share it with you. So here is a big hug to take you through the rest of this week. YOU GOT THIS!