Calm and Collage on hold

Hello Good Peoples,
Hope that you all are doing well. I had planned a Calm and Collage session for Feb 1st, but we had two deaths in the family and we have to put this on hold for a moment. I will reschedule and share here again when we have a new date and time. I do have a question for you all though.
What times work best for you for Calm and Collage? Does evenings or mid day and what time? Weekday or Weekend? Just wanting to get bead on it so that everyone has a chance to come and relax and create. Kindly leave me a comment and let me know what you all prefer and we will work something out. Also, I will be doing a Calm and Collage class for children as well. These will be held on Saturday evenings and Some Sundays as well. I am looking forward to connecting and creating with you all. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you!
Hello, To answer your inquiry weekends are preferable with a morning or evening timeline. If on a weekday early evening is a preferable time.